Sunday 2 February 2014

Baby girl dress

This may actually be the first time I've ever made a garment for someone other than myself! A couple who I've known for a long time have just had a baby girl, so I decided it would be nice to make them something. I actually made them a baby quilt a few weeks ago, but then I remembered they were already given a homemade one when their older child was born, and also decided I didn't really like it - it was my first ever attempt at English paper piecing patchwork (Google it!) and it was more a project to learn new skills really. There's a photo at the end of this post, just so you can laugh at my poor choice of colour scheme!

So, I decided to make a babydoll dress, definitely the most fun and rewarding of baby gifts to make! The hardest part of the whole process was actually finding or designing a suitable pattern. I mean, I've never had a baby or really been around them, so I had no idea what size to make it! I managed to find a downloadable pattern available in different sizes, but there were no measurements written on it - normally not a problem, except my laptop has packed in so I'm unable to print! After much faffing, I came up with these basic pattern pieces:

However, I then decided I would prefer a gathered skirt, so I added a further 10cm to the skirt block width. I also wanted a buttoned opening at the back, so I should have added additional allowance on the back block, but I totally forgot and had to add a makeshift placket at the last minute. The rounded shoulder flaps on the back also turned into straight edges as these were much easier to sew and match on both sides easily.

Without further ado, here's the finished dress, front and back respectively:

Here are some of the detail shots. Please note this was my first EVER attempt at sewing a buttonhole by hand, and it didn't go too well!

So, despite the dodgy buttonholes, I think it looks pretty good and certainly better than the original gift methinks! Here's that pic I promised: