Tuesday 17 July 2012

Holiday DIY wear

So I’m back from my fantastic last minute holiday in Turkey!  Had the most amazing time, enjoyed every single moment of it – it was simply magical.
I wore my teal halterneck pillowcase top on one of the first days we were there, it was a really useful top to throw on and off, but I was a bit wary of wearing it for too long in case I ended up with a high tan line!  I wore strapless tops a lot of the time.  Here’s a photo of me wearing it on one of the first days, when I was still lily white!

However, all my grand plans for dress #5 (the poolside dress) went awry – my own fault for leaving it pretty much til the last minute on the Sunday, really.  I must have somehow measured incorrectly for the top front / bust section of the dress, as the high waist was actually sitting on top of my chest!  No idea how I got it so wrong, but after getting that far I really didn’t have time (read: couldn’t be bothered) to start again and make a new top section for the dress.  Also after making it up that far in the cotton lining fabric I was using, I realised that the fabric wasn’t quite as thin and lightweight as I’d previously thought, and it sat a little too stiffly to be quite right for a poolside dress.
So I chucked the idea, but I’m glad I had a bash at it, albeit totally unsuccessfully – it made me get a bit creative thinking about how I could embellish this plan off-white fabric, I had all my ribbons, lace, buttons and contrast fabrics out, and enjoyed thinking about all the different ways I could perk it up a bit.
When I got back, I also noticed that on The Sew Weekly the theme for this week also happens to be ‘embellishment’!  So I’ve been enjoying the contributions there and tucking away some of those ideas too.  If you haven’t already been over there, check it out if you get time.  There really are lots of ways to embellish a garment.
So no dress #5 as yet – I’m going to finish dress #4 next and then onto a completely new dress #5.  Or should it be dress #6?? I don’t know!